Just imagine this guy in Regency era clothing. MMMMM! *SALIVATES*

Rating: 1000 stars and a smiley face!
So the premise of this book is that this woman named Emry has found a locket from the 1810s, a locket with the picture of a rather swoony man inside that she has a strange pull towards. An extremely deep pull. On the back of the locket are too beautifully intertwining initials, E and F. Emry's spiritual friend Jasmine swears up and down that the E represents her and they're somehow destined for each other, despite being centuries apart. It isn't until one day she happens to be in the same basement as the mysterious Mr. F's (Sense and Sensibility movie reference, anyone?) house was built on, before it burnt down, that she sees the same initials, carved into the bricks, that she finds out this is true and goes on the biggest adventure of her life.
Watch our heroine bumble through the etiquette of the early 19th century and love blossom between a girl who can't remember the future, and a man trapped in a past yearning for something new and different.
Now to the fangirling....
Oh gosh oh gosh so uhm...this book was lovely and amazing and I just gushed over it like a deranged One Direction fangirl. Is it perfect, no, but to me it is. sure, some of it is a little implausible, but really...it's such a sweet indulgent read I just want to read it again and again.
Can we PLEASE talk about how oh my goodness yummy fantastic perfect James is. Best hero ever.
You should've seen me reading this book. Giggling, squealing, blushing, frowning, crying. You'd think I was PMSing. The bits with him being introduced to 21stc. technology cracked me up, as did Emry's accidental modern behavior in 1812. I loved the characters, so full of life and so real. The atmosphere of both periods was handled well and the romance was deep and affecting and flippin' adorable. I loved the beginning too, especially the reference towards Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Hah. Fit in perfectly. It's beautiful written, funny and heart warming.
Read if you like: Jane Austen, zombies, sexy sweet men you just want to energizer bunny in bed then gaze in his eyes for hours, time travel and the fantasy of a Regency man hunched over an old desk playing Angry Birds late into the night.
Amazon link for your reading enjoyment!: READ IT BABY ONE MORE TIME!
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